In testing MailPoet for our DCNA use, and for your convenience, we have imported e-mails from the mailing list we generated on the basis of the Census Forms originally supplied by DCNA households. “Newsletters”, “Administrative Announcements”, and “Safety Alerts” will be sent to subscribers to our lists. You can always visit this site whether or not you participate in the mailing lists. But if you wish to receive any of the above category of communications, you need to be a “subscriber”. It is the proper custom of such mailing lists (even completely beneficial ones such as this one) to accord complete control to the participants of the list over their private information, including e-mails. You can choose to belong to the list, or not. You can update your e-mail addresses as changes require. You are “subscribers” in the parlance of MailPoet (and other similar professional e-mail list management programs) and you have control over your e-mail preferences.
Accordingly, there are a couple, now widely adopted, ways for you to enter a new subscription, to unsubscribe, or to manage your participation in the list. MailPoet provides some automatic scripts (automatic, save the fact they must be configured properly!) for this purpose. You will begin to see them implemented on this site as we continue testing our configuration. The first of these is to be found in the right-hand column of this site, where there is a box to add a new name and e-mail address to the subscriber list. (If you have received a recent newsletter, you are already entered and need not subscribe anew.)
Thank you for your ongoing patience! Chet